Thursday, October 23, 2008

ISB Energy Conclave | 25th October 2008

The Energy, Manufacturing and Operations Club at the ISB is hosting The ISB Energy Conclave – Gearing up for the energy challenge: Energy strategy – challenges and opportunities

India is the fifth largest energy consumer in the world, and its demand for energy is expected to increase further in the coming years. Moreover, India has the largest incremental energy consumption in the world and despite the country being the seventh largest producer of energy it is a net importer of energy.

On the one hand this poses a challenge to meet the increasing demand, while on the other it presents a great opportunity for the country to emerge as one of the most energy efficient countries of the world. There exists new energy paradigm that can fundamentally alter the ways in which the energy is produced and consumed. Emerging economies like India have the potential of becoming energy innovators in the future as they are confronted with the high cost of energy. In a bid to understand the changing dynamics of the Energy Sector, and explore the road ahead in India, Energy, Manufacturing and Operations Club (EMO) at ISB is hosting the ISB Energy Conclave.

In line with the theme, some of the topics that will be discussed are as follows:

1.      Energy self sustenance for the world – is it possibility?

2.      Challenges and opportunities considering growth of India Inc

a.       Hydrocarbon Opportunities in India.

b.      Nuclear Energy – the future opportunities for India?

c.       Opportunities in Alternative/Green Energy

3.      Emerging business model in the energy sector

4.      Rural energy problems – scope and economic feasibility

 The Conclave is primarily targeted at the students in the school with a limited external participation.

The flagship event of the Energy, Manufacturing and Operations Club has been initiated for the first time at the Indian School of Business (ISB) this year. To address the dynamics of the energy sector with changing times, the club hopes to make this a regular event. At the Indian School of Business, the student body in general and the Energy, Manufacturing and Operations club (EMO club) in particular are very keen on understanding the current and future Energy trends and the ways to meet the future energy demands. The EMO club also focuses on identifying new opportunities in this sector and is looking forward to understand the future implications of the same. The club therefore, proposes to organize a panel discussion with the key energy producers in the country to understand the strategies to meet the impending energy challenges.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Term 2 - Photowalk

I promise to keep this one as short as possible – its not going to be as long-winded as the earlier one about term 2. Mainly because the only thing that changed was the subjects we were being taught now. Let me see – they were Competitive Strategy (Compstrat), Decision Modelling and Optimisation (DMOP), Global Economics (GLEC) and Marketing Decision Making (Markstrat). [I cheated – there was no way I was going to remember the subjects I did soo long ago]

Actually that's one of the chief features of life at ISB – the days move along so fast that they're a blur – but when you look back they seem so far away – probably because so much has happened since.

One of the more interesting parts of the term was the markstrat simulation – where each study group was allotted a firm and we had to compete to gain profits, market share, etc. Good fun !

Anyways – the term started with the skies clouding over, and impending rains on the horizon. The campus looked beautiful as the sky simply accentuated the buildings.

And our first rains – when the mirror pools filled over and we got back to our childhood – making paper boats and playing J