Friday, January 4, 2008

Bye Bye Coding...

I am writing this article sitting in my cubicle at hp, with a code written in C opened on my system. Lately I have been feeling pretty nostalgic about my job. Not only because this is my first job but also because these are my last few moments officially as a techie. Yeah, I still may do a little bit of this and that of tech during and post ISB. But thats not the same. Officially I am ending my career as a techie. My last few moments with the core of Oracle, SAP, SQL, Telnet, C, pointers, bug fixing, patch building...

Before starting my life as a manager, I have decided to give these last few months their space and enjoy each and every technical moment.

Just a thought I felt like sharing with you guys/gals.

Note : This does not mean that I work really hard et all for my fact I have been
doing just the opposite :-D

1 comment:

SSGomez said...

hey thanks for sharing !
A comment I heard recently says 1 yr PGMs are not for people looking to switch careers and its a 2 yr MBA that helps. I am interested in knowing your comment since you are a techi too :-)